Experts in Developing Software Solutions
for Defense and Private sector
Government Contracting
Command and Control (C2) Software Development
At Moebius Solutions, Inc. we develop advanced Command and Control Software, middleware, and integration platforms for the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. We support critical systems such as:
Global Command and Control System – Maritime (GCCS-M):
This system supplies Navy Commanders with real-time tactical information, enabling effective decision-making and situational awareness. GCCS-M fuses, correlates, and maintains raw data to construct a Common Operational Picture (COP) that can be shared with joint users.
Global Command and Control System – Joint (GCCS-J):
As the DoD’s joint C2 system of record, GCCS-J provides an integrated picture of the battlespace, supporting unit readiness, force deployment, and real-time intelligence access. It enhances operational flexibility and shortens decision cycles for joint force commanders.
Maritime Tactical Command and Control (MTC2):
MTC2 provides Navy warfighters with C2 capabilities from the Maritime Operational Centers (MOCs) down to tactical units. It supports mission planning, execution, monitoring, and assessment with enhanced situational awareness and intelligence fusion.
Common Track Manager (CTM):
CTM is a scalable, containerized track management engine for the COP and Common Intelligence Picture (CIP). It provides near real-time situational awareness and C2 capabilities for data sharing across C5ISR systems, supporting U.S. and allied operations.
Joint Cross Domain eXchange (JCDX):
JCDX is a multi-level secure system that integrates command and control into a Service Oriented Architecture, providing cross-domain capabilities. It manages and disseminates data from multiple sources and classification levels, enhancing operational effectiveness.
Undersea Warfare Decision Support System (USW-DSS):
USW-DSS offers a net-centric ASW Command and Control capability across multiple platforms and shore sites. It supports ASW commanders in planning and executing missions with integrated, near-real-time data.
Distributed Common Ground System-Navy (DCGS-N):
The DCGS-N program provides the Navy’s primary intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and targeting (ISR&T) support capability. Whether afloat or ashore, DCGS-N tools are critical for the operational commander’s battlespace awareness and net-centric operations.
Committed to Innovation
At Moebius Solutions, our commitment to innovation is demonstrated through our role as the primary software developer for the Common Track Manager (CTM) and Multi Master Synchronization (MMS) systems. CTM provides track correlation, collection, management, and distribution capabilities for major military programs such as GCCS-M, GCCS-JMod, MTC2, and DCGS-N. Our development of MMS enables rapid synchronization of CTM databases through diverse communications pipelines, extending its capabilities to include Waterspace Management (WaSP), Antisubmarine Warfare (ASW), and Knowledge Base (KB) objects.
Our engineers have extensive experience in migrating software components to modern, scalable, high-performance, containerized environments like OpenShift, Kubernetes, and Docker, utilized in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Agile Core Services (ACS). We have successfully modernized CTM software to operate both inside and outside container-based environments, and on secure Red Hat or Windows 10 Secure Host Baseline (SHB) Operating Systems.
Additionally, Moebius Solutions has a proven track record of addressing challenging problems with innovative solutions. Our C2PC Java Bindings (CJB) project revolutionized the use of Java in the C2PC development community. We also developed the C2PC Gateway Accelerator (CGA), a web-deployable system that accelerates the distributed C2PC tactical picture over low-bandwidth networks. The C2RPC project, with CTM as the primary situational awareness feed, has been bridging data from GCCS into C2RPC, supporting daily operations updates continuously.
Our dedication to innovation ensures that we remain at the forefront of technological advancements, delivering high-quality, reliable, and secure software solutions that meet the evolving needs of our clients.
Commercial Contracting
In addition to our defense sector projects, Moebius Solutions has successfully undertaken non-government contracts, showcasing our versatility and expertise across various industries. Our ability to deliver high-quality, reliable software solutions extends beyond the defense sector, demonstrating our commitment to innovation and excellence in all our endeavors.

Prime Awards

Open Track Manager (OTM)
Common Track Manager (CTM)
Global Command and Control System Maritime (GCCS-M) AIF CSI
Maritime Tactical Command & Control (MTC2)
MTC2 - DepSked
Battle Command Display (BCD)
Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA)
Tactical Video Recall
Advanced Video Activity Analytics (AVAA)
Submarine Planning and Scheduling Tool (SPAST)​
Adaptive Antisubmarine Warfare (AASW)
Antisubmarine Warfare (ASW)
Area of Uncertainty (AoU) estimator for ASW
Extensive experience transitioning ASW and WaSP to USW-DSS
Dreamcatcher Operational Logistics Planning and Support (DC-OPLOG)
Development & implementation of ML/AI
Integration with DF-MOTF and ATLANTIS
Decision Advantage Battle Management Aids (DABMA)
Joint Cross Domain eXchange (JCDX)
Visual Integrated Tactical Logistics (VITL)
Android Tactical Assault Kit (ATAK)
Modernized CTM software for container environments
Maritime Interdiction Prediction and Allocation (MIPA)
SYSCOM Acquisition Integrated Logistics Online Repository (SAILOR)
SPAWAR Integrated Data Environment and Repository (SPIDER) & SPIDER Coast Guard
AEGIS - software development/integration